Parenting with Love and Logic, Cline and Fay
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic, Cline and Fay
Boundaries with Kids, Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Boundaries with Teens, Henry Cloud and John Townsend
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Kids will Talk, Faber and Mazlish
The FIve Love Languages of Children, Gary Chapman
Parenting From The Inside Out, Dan Siegel
Whole Brain ChildDan Siegel
Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter, Vicki Courtney
Seven Conversations You Must Have with Your Son, Vicki Courtney
One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voscamp
Hands Free Mama, Rachel Macy Stafford
The Smart Step Family,  Ron Deal
The Smart Step-Mom,  Ron Deal
The Smart Step Dad, Ron Deal


Helpful Websites:
Love and Logic
Focus on the Family








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