Individual Therapy


Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy can help with:


Anxiety and Depression


Processing Unexpected Events


Improving boundaries and time management


Interpersonal Growth


Forgiveness and Moving On


Discovering "You" again


Healing and clarity of purpose


And.....much more.

It is good to know in times of difficulty, you do not have to face things alone. Individual counseling and psychotherapy provides a specific time set just for you to slow down, focus and work through your unique area of challenge. Not only for yourself, but also for the important people in your life, having an objective and compassionate “other” can bring new insight and ideas. I provide a safe and compassionate environment in which to explore, problem solve, and process these moments.


“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing we will ever do.”

Brene Brown

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