"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." CS Lewis


I am delighted that you have found your way to Katherine Hammons LPC.

Life is a journey filled with various challenges.

Whether it’s navigating difficult relationships, dealing with past or current traumas, experiencing some kind of life transition or simply finding it hard to get through the day, counseling can be a valuable resource.

Reflecting on my own life, I have come to realize that the obstacles I have faced often served as a catalyst for a better story. I believe that is the case for you as well.  If you are seeking out counseling, I would be genuinely honored to support you throughout the process.

Thank you!














Individual Counseling

Adults ages 18 and over. Areas of specialization include grief, trauma, PTSD, transitions, anxiety and stress, spirituality, and relationships.

Couples Counseling

Pre-marriage counseling (Prepare-Enrich Certified), Marriage and relationship issues. Level One trained Emotionally Focused Therapist (EFT).


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy approach effective for treating a wide variety of areas. You can find much through the EMDRIA website.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction offers a safe and sacred space to contemplate your life’s journey with someone who provides support and encouragement along the way.  It is a place where someone sits with you, holding space without an agenda.
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